Marlise Senzamici

Revisiting my passion for fine art has been self-satisfying with a refreshing twist that is colorful—or b±w—surreal, and peaceful at its core.

As depicted in my work, the network of strokes and colors are unbridled and free-flowing while happily bending all the rules. I achieve my expressive, desired effect through line-weight, density, levels of grey or pure black, color, and of course, pure, unstoppable energy.

My most invigorating challenge is getting very close but not flying off the edge of uncluttered balance.

A dear friend who understands my work describes it best:

“Another artistic triumph has been revealed in Senzamici’s complex and nuanced “Intueri” (one of my recent works of art that was instantly purchased by a studio visitor although the piece was unfinished, the paint still wet, and before I was able to photograph it).

Her virtuoso creations are as close as any artist has come to delineating the very curves, warps and trajectories of the human condition, and in this particular piece she has single-handedly forced the nature of meaning itself to a stunning, transcendental peak. Can a work of art be riveting, humorous, completely and profoundly heartbreaking all at the same time? The answer is yes—if it’s a Senzamici.”


• Member, Abstract Art Collective (AAC)
Abstract Art Collective’s former Creative Director, Established Print and Digital Graphics, Designer and webmaster of Abstract Art Collective’s previous website

• Member, Santa Barbara Art Association

• Board Member, Cold Noses, Warm Hearts Dog Rescue